Monday 30 July 2012

Never Too Old For Cuddly Toys

First of all, I believe I owe you an apology Internet. We haven't talked for a long time. I know, it's practically gross negligence but I plead that following points as reasons for my frankly unacceptable behaviour:
1. Sleep - there has been a sad lack of this recently. What with the Olympic Opening ceremony lasting forever and ever, and the fact that all the kool kidz become nocturnal over the summer holidays, I've been "burning the candle at both ends" as my older relatives would say. Spending hours and hours at the airport is surprisingly exhausting.
2. Illness - Goddammit, international students why do you have to bring your international bacteria with you?! (I would make a witty biology-related comment here, but I like to think that I'm above such things).
3. RSI - yeah, so my exam-induced RSI hasn't gone away properly, which makes drawing for long periods of time a problem. :'(

Anyway, on a much more positive note, I recently received some very exciting new toys! YES! From the best shop in the entire world, which has bags that look like this:

It's only Bowser and Yoshi! Yup these toys are from the NintendoWorld Store in NYC, and I would just like to reiterate that it is the best shop. In the entire world. Anywhere. If the whole university thing doesn't work out, I'm getting a job at this shop. I don't care if I have to smuggle myself into America in a suitcase. It will happen.

Anyway, this shop has an entire floor devoted to Pokémon. And so now I have these:


I know it's unacceptable that my personal Pokémon collection only consists of Pikachu, Zoroark, Shaymin (Ground Forme (I have always wondered why Nintendo have the unnecessary e (...and nested brackets))). But fear not, I'm planning to expand it. After all, they are the cutest things. Love them!

And no, I'm not too old for cuddly toys.

Adios Pokéfans!

What I'm listening to: + by Ed Sheeran has recently become the soundtrack of my life, in that I've been listening to it nigh on non-stop for the last week. It really is one of those albums you can listen to over and over without getting bored. Also, if you haven't seen the video to Lego House you really should because it's great and very clever!

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