Tuesday 3 July 2012

I found my Pokéwalker!

Today, I had the early shift at work. While I was rummaging around in a drawer looking for a hair tie, I discovered my Pokéwalker! I have neglected my SoulSilver game, and my progress is sadly lacking. Therefore, despite the fact that there was no time to dry my hair properly, there definitely was time to transfer my dragonair to said Pokéwalker. Goddammit, if I was going to spend all day on my feet, it was definitely going to be beneficial for my team!

And so, I thought now would be a good a time as any to upload my drawing of Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite (complete with wings an' all):
I feel the need at this point to have a whine about Lance and his goddamn underleveled Dragonites. I was so looking forward to my Dragonair evolving at level 47 or whatever level they are. 6 year old me was crushed to realise that Nintendo was breaking its own rules. I can only conclude that Lance was feeding his Dragonites steroids. They should really start doing drug testing on the gym circuit.

Looking at the Pokédex entries for Dragonite I feel the need to pull up one fact that is repeated over and over again.

Dragonite is capable of circling the globe in just sixteen hours.

Bearing in mind, ladies and gentlemen, that it takes nearly 24 hours to fly from the UK to Australia we are going to do a little maths....
Take the circumference of the Earth (assuming we are talking about the Earth) to be 40,000km.

40,000/16 =  2,500 km/h

This thing can fly at 2,500km/h. Concorde flew at approximately 2,200 km/h.  What *the hell* are they feeding this thing?! Look at the stubby wings. I can only conclude black magic is involved.

In other news:

I am super excited for this:
Pokémon Conquest!!! Eeeeeeee!
You get to play as a "young Warlord" who  "encounters a variety of Pokémon, as well as Warriors and Warlords inspired by the Japanese feudal era." It sounds AWESOME! And it comes out on the 27th July. *And* it's only £23 to preorder on Amazon. I reckon it won't get as much attention as it deserves because of the impending release of Black & White 2, but I really hope it turns out to be as awesome as it sounds!

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