Sunday 15 July 2012

Pokémon Shock!

I've had *so* much coffee today. Seriously, it's caffeine induced invincibility. I walked into work like:
Anyway thanks to coffee, I had the energy to do another drawing after I got home from work today rather than just vegging out on the sofa, which one is wont to do after a day of arrivals.  So I decided it was time to draw Porygon, and the result in below.s
Glorious, glorious technicolour!
This got me thinking about the only episode of the anime that featured Porygon - Electric Soldier Porygon (apparently this is a mistranslation, and it should be Computer Soldier Porygon but we're going with the commonly used version here). If you don't know, this triggered seizures in kids who watched it and 685 were taken to hospital with a list of illnesses that were later called "Pokémon Shock" (you gotta love the media). The episode was even included in the Guinness World Records Book Gamers Edition in 2004 and 2008 (which I have because I'm cool like that) as having the record for "Most Photosensitive Epileptic Seizures Caused By a Television Show". Part of me wants to watch the episode just to see what all the fuss is about, but unfortunately I'm not quite brave enough to deal with the possible shame of having to explain in hospital that I have Pokémon Shock, and as such I think I'll sit this one out.

Unfortunately for poor Porygon, given that it was in fact Pikachu who set off the flashing lights that caused the seizures, as a result Porygon has not featured in any more of the anime episodes. Porygon2 and Porygon-Z have not made any appearances either, with Porygon2 being the only Gen II pokémon to have not featured in any episode of the TV series. Frankly, I feel sorry for Porygon - it wasn't even its fault (I use its because the species is genderless).

A quick quote from the red/blue Pokédex now:

A Pokémon that consists entirely of programming code. It can move freely through cyberspace.

Consists entirely of programming code eh? Holy moly that means this is one Pokémon that could actually be a real thing (yes CompScis of this world, I am looking at you)! Seriously, if someone made on of these things, it would actually make my life.

And on that note, I'm off to watch copious episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood. I've nearly finished the show and it's getting super-special-awesome!

Adios Pokéfans!

What I'm listening to: Currently topping up my Hatsune Miku dosage by listening to songs composed by Tripshots (whose YouTube channel can be found here). Not only are the songs pretty good but the videos are excellent (see Nebula). This channel also introduced me to a Vocaloid I hadn't come across before - Kaai Yuki. The song of hers on Tripshots' channel is beautifully haunting, and a nice change of pace from the Miku tracks - listen to it here.

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