Wednesday 11 July 2012

Not strictly related...

I went to see The Amazing Spider-man today. And I am very happy to report that the film is most excellent. It has confirmed my opinion that Andrew Garfield was unfortunately made to look like a greasy haired git in The Social Network. He actually has a certain hot-cute about him that puts him up there with Benedict Cumberbatch et al (he may even have hot collarbones - more research is needed to confirm this). I believe my response can be summed up by the man himself:

If he's in the next Avengers movie, it will make my life.
Anyway, moving on from hot-cute, I've come to the conclusion that Andrew Garfield makes a brilliant Spider-man. I always thought that in the films with Tobey Maguire the star of the film was the CGI and that Maguire's Spider-man had all the personality of a dish cloth. Garfield is a much more personable and likeable hero, and I think he responds much more believably to the events of the movie apart from *MINOR SPOILERS* the bit where he gives his father's clearly secret research to someone he's known five minutes.

As a scientist, I believe the film is worth it just for this one line:
This is how I feel in an interesting lecture.
If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it! It gets five Pokéballs :P

This film got me thinking about what original super power I would like to have. I've been thinking on it and I've come up with a few (I'm warning you now that some are a little rubbish!):

Logical Argument Girl - Logical Argument Girl has the power to spot a logical fallacy in any argument anywhere. I can't think of any particular use for this, other than being an excellent politician, but I just liked the name.

Sub-atomic Particle Woman - She is basically Heisenberg's worst nightmare. She has the power to know the speed, momentum and place of any one particle exactly at any time.

Elemental Hero - She has control over the elements - no, not as in nature, as in Periodic Table of. Elemental Hero can manipulate and change the elemental composition of her body at no detriment to herself. This is by far the coolest - if you've seen Fullmetal Alchemist think of Greed's body shield and you have an idea where I'm going with this.

I think I'm going to leave the superhero creation to Stan Lee and co. I'm clearly not cut out for this!

If you have been disappointed by the lack of Pokémon in this post, here is a gif of a Happy Haunter to cheer you up, and know that tomorrow is my day off so there will be a drawing I promise!

Adios Pokéfans!

What I'm listening to: Currently listening to Just Say Yes by Snow Patrol on repeat. This is definitely my favourite Snow Patrol song of all time, and possibly my favourite song full stop.

P.S. If you spot the Yu-Gi-Oh reference, Internet cookies for you!

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