Monday 16 July 2012

A Sleep-Deprived Starbucks Adventure

So, as I said in my last post, I spent yesterday evening finishing Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood. I didn't initially plan to watch them all, but then the plot grabbed me by the neck and forced me to watch the 12 or so episodes I had left to finish the show. It. Was. AWESOME.

First I was like:

How could you do that to me, plot?
And then I was like:

Eff you plot! You can't just bloody do that!
But then, finally it was just:
This is me hugging the writer. Because I am clearly best represented by Major Armstrong.
And so, the upshot of this was that I was sitting in my room at 1.30am this morning a little shell shocked and wishing that I could shout:


*ahem* Anyway, unfortunately I had an early shift today so when I woke up I was somewhat sleep deprived and very in need of coffee. Luckily, my old friend Starbucks was on hand in the centre of town to help me out. However, in my sleep deprived state, I thought that it would be amusing to do this:

I should not be allowed out in public. Ever.
Oh gods, I've inadvertently turned into one of those douches that gives a fake name in Starbucks. I walked out of the shop and did a double take when I realised what I had just done. However, now I am immune to Starbucks name-related embarrassment and I'm thinking of starting up a collection of cups with odd names on. Hmmmm....this has potential!

Unfortunately, I have been able to do a drawing for today, but I thought I would upload three paintings I did of the Legendary Dogs ages ago.

And by ages I mean I did these when I finished my A-Levels, so over a year ago now. Haven't had time to do any yet this time around, but I'm hoping that will change. Suicine came out much greener than it is in real life, but I have no idea how to fix that on the scanner.

Adios Pokéfans!

What I'm listening to: Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood soundtrack, clearly. Favourite has to be Again by YUI. 

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