Sunday 1 July 2012

Post 12 Hour Shift Blogging

So, yesterday evening I went to the pool instead of the gym in the hope of avoided Craig The Terrifying PT as I had learnt, much like when your Charmander gets crushed by Brock's Onix for the first time, that I needed to level up before I took on that particular gym leader again. Unfortunately, fate was not on my side as Craig The Terrifying PT was on pool duty this evening.

How it was meant to be...

What actually happened...
What was planned to be a half hour for relaxing body and soul turned into the first swimming lesson since I was about 10. I was just like:
Unfortunately, I do not know hyper beam so I just had to put up with the man until he picked up on my eff off vibes and buggered off. I was trying my best to be all pissed off Misty at him, but I don't think I've got it just right yet.

Channeling the spirit of the world's favourite gym leader made me want to draw her Pokémon which I *have done* honest. Unfortunately, my family are all asleep and they aren't going to appreciate me using the scanner at midnight, just to please the Internets, so you are going to have to wait til tomorrow to see it. Why not just wait to publish till tomorrow?

Because then it wouldn't be a Pokémon a day. Duh.

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