Thursday 30 August 2012

They're Finished!

I have an announcement to make. They are finally finished!
My ridiculous desire to create Hama bead Pokéballs has finally been sated! I'm not gonna lie, these took an awful lot longer than I was expecting. And 26 is an awkward number to arrange into a nice shape.
Can you name them all? If not, I'll help. From top left to bottom right we have: Pokéball, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Master Ball, Safari Ball, Level Ball, Lure Ball, Moon Ball, Friend Ball, Love Ball, Heavy Ball, Fast Ball, Sport Ball, Premier Ball, Repeat Ball, Timer Ball, Nest Ball, Net Ball, Dive Ball, Luxury Ball, Heal Ball, Quick Ball, Dusk Ball, Cherish Ball, Park Ball and Dream Ball. Phew!

In other news, I've discovered that Nintendo are giving away Keldeo in Game in the UK. Just to spice up Pokémon Black & White before they release Black & White 2. I hope a nearby store to me is doing it...I don't have the time to travel halfway across the country!

Pokémon Conquest is going well - I've got some slightly more intimidating warriors now. We are on our way to taking over the world. Well, I'm less dependent on Jigglypuff now. Baby steps, baby steps.

Now that the pokéballs are done, I'll be able to get back to the drawing. I think I may have lost my ability to even hold a pencil. but we'll see.

Adios Pokéfans!

What I'm listening to: I'm currently watching a ninja anime called Nabari No Ou, which has the goddamn catchiest opening song ever called Crawl (link here). It's also very satisfying to shout "Sha La La" at the top of ones lungs while wailing alone. I watched far too many episodes today while I was finishing the Pokéballs. In my defence, I thought they were going to kill my favourite character!

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