Tuesday 21 August 2012


As the name suggests, I have MOAR TOYS to show you. Well, not really toys. Part of my ever expanding Pokémon team really. And my gosh are they super cute!
New additions are Emolga and Musharna :)
I now nearly have a full team. Not that I have any choice of who is on my team. You see, the person who I am commissioning to fetch these from the shop in NYC has not a clue about Pokémon and so just picks at random from the many on offer. He has, quite amusingly, started being recognised by the shop staff, and last time had to explain that they weren't for him but for his relative's collection. Seeing as how he seems to have friendly banter with the staff now, I'm considering sending him with a bit of paper with the URL of this blog on. Publicity in the Nintendo shop can only be a good thing right?

Anyway, I feel that now is a perfect time to have an Emolga related rant. When you arrive in Nimbasa City, totally pumped to face Elesa, every single person you talk to is like "You know I've heard that ground type Pokémon are good against electric type" which everyone knows anyway. So, you train up your Sandile and are all super ready to go, when you come up against one of these chuffing things. It's flicking Electric/Flying. I was just like:
Screw you.
Seriously. Not impressed.

Anyways, an update on the Pokéballs. They are mostly done, but it has been about 30 degrees C here the past few days and there is no fliking way I am going near an iron in that temperature. I can barely function as a human being, much less have the dexterity to deal with Hama beads or use an iron without melting. However, the weather is forecast to be rubbish for the next few days so they should be done soon :) Hoorah!

I also have recently acquired Pokémon conquest. Which is fliking awesome. Although, at the moment I'm trying to rule the world with an Eevee and a Jigglypuff. Yeah....I'll get back to you on that one.

I should probably go to bed now...I have been forced into signing up for a 7am training session with Craig the Terrifying PT tomorrow morning. If I survive, I will regale you of the hilarious (as in, you can laugh at me) story of how that happened.

Adios Pokéfans!

What I'm listening to: New Owl City album, The Midsummer Station, came out yesterday! EEEEEEEEEE Fangirl everywhere! In all seriousness it is ridiculously catchy and upbeat. I'm especially loving Embers <3

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