Saturday 11 August 2012

A Fetch Quest Worthy of Skyrim

It has been over a week since I last posted here, and since then, as the title suggests I have been on a fetch quest of epic proportions in search of the mystic black beads of Hamaland. These magical items are, of course, vital in the progress of my Pokémon journey, as without them I will be unable to progress with my manufacturing of Hama bead Pokéballs and that would just be no fun.

As a result of said fetch quest, I can only conclude that members of a certain department store where I live must now think that I am insane, or at the very least have strange ritualistic OCD tendencies. I say this because for the last week, at about 11am every day I have been walking into their store (always adorned in my work garments) and standing in front of their stock of Hama beads before carefully examining it for approximately three minutes in the hope that they will have restocked since I was last there. Unfortunately, a week has passed and they have not, although I am tempted to continue just to see how long it takes for someone to ask me what the hell I'm doing.

Therefore, I turned to the biggest fetch quest aid of all - the mighty Internet. It answered my call almost immediately, and although I was initially reluctant to pay postage that was more than the cost of the beads, I eventually caved and.....*insert LoZ opening chest music here*

Yay! Fetch Quest Completed! LEVEL UP! You may now proceed to complete Pokéball Quest! Huzzah! As you can see, I bought colours other than black, in the hope that I will finally get around to making some sprites too.

In other news, I haven't just been freaking out shop staff, but also doing some more drawing. Behold, Magnemite and Magneton:

For me, these Pokémon will be forever associated with the phrase "Dimensional analysis is your friend!" There is a long and complicated story behind this, but the abbreviated version is that I could only communicate with one of my supervisors this year by the medium of Pokémon doodles with speech bubbles, and "Dimensional analysis is your friend!" was Magnemite's protip.

Now, I feel here that I need to bring up an issue about these two Pokémon. First of all we are going to refer to a fact that appears in Magneton's Pokédex entries across the generations.

It (Magneton) is formed by three Magnemite linked together by a strong magnetic force.

Ok...well, that sort of makes sense. Next a couple of stats:

Magnemite's weight: 6.0kg
Magneton's weight: 60.0kg

Wait, WHAT? What is this witchcraft? Magneton is clearly three Magnemite linked together by some magical electric force (which seems to only be attractive from what I can see). Three times six is EIGHTEEN not sixty. Maybe I'm being exceptionally blonde here (and if I am I'm sure people will correct me) but how on earth is that possible? It also bugs me that Magnemite appears to have its magnets on the other way up to Magneton, but that is just me being pedantic I think.

Anyway, I'm gonna go see if I can spot some meteors now - keep your eyes peeled for further progress in my Hama bead quest.

Adios Pokéfans!

What I'm Listening To: Small Bump by Ed Sheeran. The most calming song ever. Even if the ending still sideswips me every time.

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