Monday, 30 July 2012

Never Too Old For Cuddly Toys

First of all, I believe I owe you an apology Internet. We haven't talked for a long time. I know, it's practically gross negligence but I plead that following points as reasons for my frankly unacceptable behaviour:
1. Sleep - there has been a sad lack of this recently. What with the Olympic Opening ceremony lasting forever and ever, and the fact that all the kool kidz become nocturnal over the summer holidays, I've been "burning the candle at both ends" as my older relatives would say. Spending hours and hours at the airport is surprisingly exhausting.
2. Illness - Goddammit, international students why do you have to bring your international bacteria with you?! (I would make a witty biology-related comment here, but I like to think that I'm above such things).
3. RSI - yeah, so my exam-induced RSI hasn't gone away properly, which makes drawing for long periods of time a problem. :'(

Anyway, on a much more positive note, I recently received some very exciting new toys! YES! From the best shop in the entire world, which has bags that look like this:

It's only Bowser and Yoshi! Yup these toys are from the NintendoWorld Store in NYC, and I would just like to reiterate that it is the best shop. In the entire world. Anywhere. If the whole university thing doesn't work out, I'm getting a job at this shop. I don't care if I have to smuggle myself into America in a suitcase. It will happen.

Anyway, this shop has an entire floor devoted to Pokémon. And so now I have these:


I know it's unacceptable that my personal Pokémon collection only consists of Pikachu, Zoroark, Shaymin (Ground Forme (I have always wondered why Nintendo have the unnecessary e (...and nested brackets))). But fear not, I'm planning to expand it. After all, they are the cutest things. Love them!

And no, I'm not too old for cuddly toys.

Adios Pokéfans!

What I'm listening to: + by Ed Sheeran has recently become the soundtrack of my life, in that I've been listening to it nigh on non-stop for the last week. It really is one of those albums you can listen to over and over without getting bored. Also, if you haven't seen the video to Lego House you really should because it's great and very clever!

Monday, 16 July 2012

A Sleep-Deprived Starbucks Adventure

So, as I said in my last post, I spent yesterday evening finishing Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood. I didn't initially plan to watch them all, but then the plot grabbed me by the neck and forced me to watch the 12 or so episodes I had left to finish the show. It. Was. AWESOME.

First I was like:

How could you do that to me, plot?
And then I was like:

Eff you plot! You can't just bloody do that!
But then, finally it was just:
This is me hugging the writer. Because I am clearly best represented by Major Armstrong.
And so, the upshot of this was that I was sitting in my room at 1.30am this morning a little shell shocked and wishing that I could shout:


*ahem* Anyway, unfortunately I had an early shift today so when I woke up I was somewhat sleep deprived and very in need of coffee. Luckily, my old friend Starbucks was on hand in the centre of town to help me out. However, in my sleep deprived state, I thought that it would be amusing to do this:

I should not be allowed out in public. Ever.
Oh gods, I've inadvertently turned into one of those douches that gives a fake name in Starbucks. I walked out of the shop and did a double take when I realised what I had just done. However, now I am immune to Starbucks name-related embarrassment and I'm thinking of starting up a collection of cups with odd names on. Hmmmm....this has potential!

Unfortunately, I have been able to do a drawing for today, but I thought I would upload three paintings I did of the Legendary Dogs ages ago.

And by ages I mean I did these when I finished my A-Levels, so over a year ago now. Haven't had time to do any yet this time around, but I'm hoping that will change. Suicine came out much greener than it is in real life, but I have no idea how to fix that on the scanner.

Adios Pokéfans!

What I'm listening to: Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood soundtrack, clearly. Favourite has to be Again by YUI. 

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Pokémon Shock!

I've had *so* much coffee today. Seriously, it's caffeine induced invincibility. I walked into work like:
Anyway thanks to coffee, I had the energy to do another drawing after I got home from work today rather than just vegging out on the sofa, which one is wont to do after a day of arrivals.  So I decided it was time to draw Porygon, and the result in below.s
Glorious, glorious technicolour!
This got me thinking about the only episode of the anime that featured Porygon - Electric Soldier Porygon (apparently this is a mistranslation, and it should be Computer Soldier Porygon but we're going with the commonly used version here). If you don't know, this triggered seizures in kids who watched it and 685 were taken to hospital with a list of illnesses that were later called "Pokémon Shock" (you gotta love the media). The episode was even included in the Guinness World Records Book Gamers Edition in 2004 and 2008 (which I have because I'm cool like that) as having the record for "Most Photosensitive Epileptic Seizures Caused By a Television Show". Part of me wants to watch the episode just to see what all the fuss is about, but unfortunately I'm not quite brave enough to deal with the possible shame of having to explain in hospital that I have Pokémon Shock, and as such I think I'll sit this one out.

Unfortunately for poor Porygon, given that it was in fact Pikachu who set off the flashing lights that caused the seizures, as a result Porygon has not featured in any more of the anime episodes. Porygon2 and Porygon-Z have not made any appearances either, with Porygon2 being the only Gen II pokémon to have not featured in any episode of the TV series. Frankly, I feel sorry for Porygon - it wasn't even its fault (I use its because the species is genderless).

A quick quote from the red/blue Pokédex now:

A Pokémon that consists entirely of programming code. It can move freely through cyberspace.

Consists entirely of programming code eh? Holy moly that means this is one Pokémon that could actually be a real thing (yes CompScis of this world, I am looking at you)! Seriously, if someone made on of these things, it would actually make my life.

And on that note, I'm off to watch copious episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood. I've nearly finished the show and it's getting super-special-awesome!

Adios Pokéfans!

What I'm listening to: Currently topping up my Hatsune Miku dosage by listening to songs composed by Tripshots (whose YouTube channel can be found here). Not only are the songs pretty good but the videos are excellent (see Nebula). This channel also introduced me to a Vocaloid I hadn't come across before - Kaai Yuki. The song of hers on Tripshots' channel is beautifully haunting, and a nice change of pace from the Miku tracks - listen to it here.

Friday, 13 July 2012


So, yesterday I went to the gym and encountered Craig the Terrifying PT again. Luckily, he was inducting a new minion into the lycra-clad-gym-bunny family, but he did have time to come over and gently mock me as I proved how unable to balance I was. I wanted to grab the new recruit and be like:
Unrelated Panda is unrelated.
 (On a side note, when I googled this quote one of the first pages that came up was a Yahoo answers of someone asking "What did Gandalf mean when he said "fly, you fools"?" God help us all, the Internet really is full of idiots).

Anyway, back on track, unfortunately I was otherwise occupied with quietly expiring.  

I also noticed that my gym is currently advertising "Anti-Gravity Yoga". Someone should tell people at the Cavendish that this is going on - I get the impression it's something they might be interested in.

After promising to post a drawing on my day off I proceeded to spend yesterday doing absolutely nothing. For this I apologise. I shall not be pretending to productive on my day off again. However, today on my way home I was struck by a sudden urge to purchase Hama beads, proving one and for all that all girls love beads - always. I thought this would be an excellent idea because they can be used to make sprites and whatnot; unfortunately I bought ten thousand beads but there are only about ten distinct colours so I'm going to need to expand my Hama bead collection before I can do any Pokémon sprite justice.

However, there were enough colours to have a good bash at making some Pokéballs - I've just made the basic four, but I'm hoping to eventually expand the collection so I can use them as a set of tea coasters (massive nerd alert).

As you can see, I have lost the Hama bead pro skillz I had when I was nine and had some issues with how long they needed ironing for the first couple, which is why the Pokéball and Great Ball are considerably less than perfectly circular. I also have a fairly decent sized burn on my forearm where my Dad distracted me while I was ironing. :'(

In other news, I was Stumbled Upon for the first time a couple of days ago which is a little exciting (yep, my life really is that dull). I've also decided that I'll be taking requests for which Pokémon to draw next - since I've got to do them all it doesn't really matter to me, but you should know that I'm leaving the starters to the end whatever.

That's all for now - it's been a long day, and I'm tired!

*Insert mandatory gif here*

 Adios Pokéfans!

What I'm listening to: Currently listening to the opening and ending themes from Code Geass - a list of which can be found here. This only has the short versions - I've having issues finding the full versions on Youtube so for the whole tunes I recommend Grooveshark (they really are worth listening to). Personal favourites are "Hitomi no Tsubasa" by Access (which deserved more than a two episode outing) and "World End" by Flow.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Not strictly related...

I went to see The Amazing Spider-man today. And I am very happy to report that the film is most excellent. It has confirmed my opinion that Andrew Garfield was unfortunately made to look like a greasy haired git in The Social Network. He actually has a certain hot-cute about him that puts him up there with Benedict Cumberbatch et al (he may even have hot collarbones - more research is needed to confirm this). I believe my response can be summed up by the man himself:

If he's in the next Avengers movie, it will make my life.
Anyway, moving on from hot-cute, I've come to the conclusion that Andrew Garfield makes a brilliant Spider-man. I always thought that in the films with Tobey Maguire the star of the film was the CGI and that Maguire's Spider-man had all the personality of a dish cloth. Garfield is a much more personable and likeable hero, and I think he responds much more believably to the events of the movie apart from *MINOR SPOILERS* the bit where he gives his father's clearly secret research to someone he's known five minutes.

As a scientist, I believe the film is worth it just for this one line:
This is how I feel in an interesting lecture.
If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it! It gets five Pokéballs :P

This film got me thinking about what original super power I would like to have. I've been thinking on it and I've come up with a few (I'm warning you now that some are a little rubbish!):

Logical Argument Girl - Logical Argument Girl has the power to spot a logical fallacy in any argument anywhere. I can't think of any particular use for this, other than being an excellent politician, but I just liked the name.

Sub-atomic Particle Woman - She is basically Heisenberg's worst nightmare. She has the power to know the speed, momentum and place of any one particle exactly at any time.

Elemental Hero - She has control over the elements - no, not as in nature, as in Periodic Table of. Elemental Hero can manipulate and change the elemental composition of her body at no detriment to herself. This is by far the coolest - if you've seen Fullmetal Alchemist think of Greed's body shield and you have an idea where I'm going with this.

I think I'm going to leave the superhero creation to Stan Lee and co. I'm clearly not cut out for this!

If you have been disappointed by the lack of Pokémon in this post, here is a gif of a Happy Haunter to cheer you up, and know that tomorrow is my day off so there will be a drawing I promise!

Adios Pokéfans!

What I'm listening to: Currently listening to Just Say Yes by Snow Patrol on repeat. This is definitely my favourite Snow Patrol song of all time, and possibly my favourite song full stop.

P.S. If you spot the Yu-Gi-Oh reference, Internet cookies for you!

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Not feeling the Olympic Spirit here...

So, the Olympic torch was passing through my town yesterday and I finished work just before it was due to arrive. Did I stay around? Of course not! Why? Well:
1. It would have been impossible to get home, since my buses would have stopped running
2. I'm getting a little sick of the Olympics already, and they haven't even started yet.
3. It was basically a giant advert for Coca-Cola and that kind of annoyed me.

Indeed, it seems I am, in fact, a middle aged woman trapped in a teenage body. This won't come as a surprise to many, but I myself was somewhat shocked by my inability to give a flying f**k about a bit of history passing through my town. However, it did get me thinking about what the Olympics would be like if they were held somewhere else. Let's say perhaps (I bet you can see this coming) in the Pokémon world.

I decided that the Olympics would probably be held in Unova since this seems to be the most heavily populated place, in particular Castelia City. In line with the whole Olympic Torch thing, I was thinking how these celebrations would be done in such a place, and I thought that rather than having an inanimate torch it would be much more fun to have one of the cuter Pokémon of the new generation act as the torch. Yes, I'm talking about Litwick! And so these drawings were made:

For those who like monochrome, and those who like technicolour.
I also had a crack at designing a quick logo, because what is an Olympics without a suitable logo? (I'm ignoring the London 2012 monstrosity here) I also thought that as well as being the Olympic flame, Litwick could be the Olympic mascot a la The Beijing Fuwa.

Top is Mandeville and Wenlock. Bottom is The Fuwa. I know which I prefer. It's not the one from my country.
 Anyway, Happy Olympic Madness everyone! I hope you feel the Olympic Spirit more than I do, and if you have tickets for the games, I'm not at all jealous.


What I'm listening to: In line with my new image as a middle aged woman, I have rediscovered The Best of Phil Collins. Another Day in Paradise is a most excellent song. I was definitely not singing it on the bus this afternoon.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

I am a changed woman.

So, I've just got back from a day trip to London with work, and let me tell you, I am a changed woman. This afternoon I ended up make-up shopping in Selfridges with some girls at a place called IllaMasqua. If you have never heard of this place (I hadn't) look at the website. Seriously, this place does make-up in shades that shouldn't be allowed, much less that a helpless tour guide should be forced to try on. The blue lipstick really was an experience that I never, ever want to repeat.

As a result of all this horrific girlyness my inner nerd was rocking backwards and forwards in a foetal position in the corner of my mind. It's ok though, because I remembered a gif that is the perfect way to get my nerd to emerge from the dark dark place she is currently in:

The only man in the world with hot collar bones.
Anyway, my infatuation with the glorious yummyness that is Benedict Cumberbatch aside (I can't take my eyes off it), I have succeeded in coaxing my inner nerd into helping me write another blog entry. On the way back from London, I fell asleep on the coach, and was awkwardly awoken by my colleagues in a scene that somewhat resembles this:

It required a pokéflute. It was really awkward.
Ok, maybe I didn't transform into 460kg monster, but I was completely out for the count. This is my excuse as to why I haven't done a new drawing for today - I'm afraid you are going to have to put up with one that's already up on my deviantart:

Oddish, Gloom and Vileplume

I have to say, Vileplume was one of my favourite pokémon when I was younger but I had serious moral issues with the whole stone forced evolution. I mean, it's like saying your pokémon isn't good enough for you. Ash never did it and part of me kind of agrees....oh the moral questions raised by pokémon!

Adios Pokéfans!

What I'm listening to: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, particularly this. Watch it. And then watch it again. Continue ad infinitum.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

I found my Pokéwalker!

Today, I had the early shift at work. While I was rummaging around in a drawer looking for a hair tie, I discovered my Pokéwalker! I have neglected my SoulSilver game, and my progress is sadly lacking. Therefore, despite the fact that there was no time to dry my hair properly, there definitely was time to transfer my dragonair to said Pokéwalker. Goddammit, if I was going to spend all day on my feet, it was definitely going to be beneficial for my team!

And so, I thought now would be a good a time as any to upload my drawing of Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite (complete with wings an' all):
I feel the need at this point to have a whine about Lance and his goddamn underleveled Dragonites. I was so looking forward to my Dragonair evolving at level 47 or whatever level they are. 6 year old me was crushed to realise that Nintendo was breaking its own rules. I can only conclude that Lance was feeding his Dragonites steroids. They should really start doing drug testing on the gym circuit.

Looking at the Pokédex entries for Dragonite I feel the need to pull up one fact that is repeated over and over again.

Dragonite is capable of circling the globe in just sixteen hours.

Bearing in mind, ladies and gentlemen, that it takes nearly 24 hours to fly from the UK to Australia we are going to do a little maths....
Take the circumference of the Earth (assuming we are talking about the Earth) to be 40,000km.

40,000/16 =  2,500 km/h

This thing can fly at 2,500km/h. Concorde flew at approximately 2,200 km/h.  What *the hell* are they feeding this thing?! Look at the stubby wings. I can only conclude black magic is involved.

In other news:

I am super excited for this:
Pokémon Conquest!!! Eeeeeeee!
You get to play as a "young Warlord" who  "encounters a variety of Pokémon, as well as Warriors and Warlords inspired by the Japanese feudal era." It sounds AWESOME! And it comes out on the 27th July. *And* it's only £23 to preorder on Amazon. I reckon it won't get as much attention as it deserves because of the impending release of Black & White 2, but I really hope it turns out to be as awesome as it sounds!

Monday, 2 July 2012

I always keep my promises...

And so here is my drawing, exactly as promised previously.
Staryu & Starmie. Hermaphroditic Pokémon apparently.
So, the red and blue Pokédex description of Staryu is:

"An enigmatic Pokémon that can effortlessly regenerate any appendage lost in battle."

Aha. I see what you did there Nintendo. It's like a starfish. Clever. Starmie's is pretty similar:

"Its central core glows with the seven colours of the rainbow. Some people value the core as a gem."

Ok, well that's all well and good. But if we look at the Pokédex entry from Black and White we get:

"At the centre of its body is a red core, which sends mysterious radio signals into the night sky."

Wait, WHAT? Is this Pokémon trying to communicate with something in outer space? The Pokémon stadium dex entry gives us the answer:
"This Pokémon may have come from outer space"

Ohmigosh. Starmie is clearly a fallen shooting star. How did I not see this before? It's so obvious. But the question is, if Starmie came from outer space, where did Staryu come from? Perhaps, this is the first case of Pokémon devolution. Maybe it's like Magnemite and Magneton, and Starmie is made from two Staryu stuck together which can then seperate out again. That would explain how the second star can move almost independently of the front body.
I think I might be getting a little too into this...

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Post 12 Hour Shift Blogging

So, yesterday evening I went to the pool instead of the gym in the hope of avoided Craig The Terrifying PT as I had learnt, much like when your Charmander gets crushed by Brock's Onix for the first time, that I needed to level up before I took on that particular gym leader again. Unfortunately, fate was not on my side as Craig The Terrifying PT was on pool duty this evening.

How it was meant to be...

What actually happened...
What was planned to be a half hour for relaxing body and soul turned into the first swimming lesson since I was about 10. I was just like:
Unfortunately, I do not know hyper beam so I just had to put up with the man until he picked up on my eff off vibes and buggered off. I was trying my best to be all pissed off Misty at him, but I don't think I've got it just right yet.

Channeling the spirit of the world's favourite gym leader made me want to draw her Pokémon which I *have done* honest. Unfortunately, my family are all asleep and they aren't going to appreciate me using the scanner at midnight, just to please the Internets, so you are going to have to wait til tomorrow to see it. Why not just wait to publish till tomorrow?

Because then it wouldn't be a Pokémon a day. Duh.